
Everyone has fears- be it something as small-scale as mosquitoes, to endless sleep- the touch of death. But the biggest, most common fear that people carry in their hearts is the fear of change. People are naturally afraid of being in a new place, leaving the people they have known for a long period of time, or to stop doing something they have always loved doing. But what we don't realise is that change inevitably helps us to grow. This is because change, although at first sight, seems really scary and daunting, can be tackled with a positive attitude and an open mind. Change is nothing but a new, foreign concept that strikes us as strange. But strange doesn't necessarily equate bad. The sad thing many people don't understand is that sometimes, taking that new job, or starting at a new school is like taking the next step on the ladder of success. We are uncovering a new part of our conscious, and challenging ourselves to make the best of a new situation.

Change is constant. Yeah, it's a pretty contradictory statement, but it's true! Change will always be present in your life. It is how you approach change, which will differentiate the interesting from the boring, the successful from the unsuccessful, and the happy from the sad.

So, when change seeks you, take a good long deep breath. Tell yourself everything will work out in the end. Hold your family and loved ones close to you. Don't be afraid of the way you are feeling. But be proactive. Do not dwell in the past, or get attached to the simple materialistic things in life. Seek the change you want to see in yourself, and be the one in total control. View the first glimpses of change with hope and opportunity, and nothing will bring you down.